Class Formats

10-Week Workshops

These courses use a combination of lectures, exercises, and workshopping (critiquing of student projects). In New York City and Zoom, they meet for three hours per week; Online, each session begins at the same time each week, and unfolds gradually all week long. Available in Level I, Level II, and, periodically, Level III.

NYC: $465
Online: $439
Zoom: $439

6-Week Classes

These courses let students explore a variety of forms and concepts in a low-pressure manner, through a combination of lectures and exercises. In New York City and Zoom, they meet for three hours per week; Online, each session begins at the same time each week, and unfolds gradually all week long.

NYC: $355
Online: $339
Zoom: $339

The six-week Business Writing course in NYC and Zoom meets for two hours per week; Online, each session begins at the same time each week, and unfolds gradually all week long.

NYC: $365
Online: $345
Zoom: $345

Selling Classes

These courses emphasize the business side of writing, through lectures and exercises. The New York City versions last seven hours, all in one day. The Zoom versions take place in two three-hour sessions. The Online versions take place over four weeks.

NYC: $175
Online: $185
Zoom: $175


These courses are brief tours through craft elements and/or types of writing, using both lectures and exercises. In NYC, these last seven hours, all in one day. On Zoom, these take place in two three-hour sessions.The Online versions take place over three weeks.

NYC/Zoom/Online: $175

Registration fee for these types of classes, $25 paid once per term. We hold four terms a year:

Spring - March, April, May
Summer - June, July, August
Fall - September, October, November